Digital Dogs is excited to announce the launch of our new website design. We created the new design to better communicate all of the services Digital Dogs now offers our client base. In addition to the custom web design and development services that we have been providing for the past 14 years, we’re proud to roll out several new services. These services include application development, search marketing and social media services.

Digital Dogs’ core purpose is to contribute to our customers’ success by leveraging technologies to design and develop unique online solutions that creatively address the individual client needs. We are focused on developing the client relationship. It is our goal to become an extension of each client’s business.

Our blog, a new addition to our website, will be focused on sharing our online experiences and knowledge with you. Whether it’s about web design, SEO or social media, we will do our best to keep you informed of the latest technologies and trends that may affect your Internet experience. Keep an eye out for weekly posts with the latest news in the industry and tips on how you can keep your company at the lead of the pack.

Digital Dogs, Unleashing the Internet!

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